CDPC Members
As you know we have provisionally booked the Soar Bridge Inn on the 4th December for our AGM and social evening to include a Meal and Skittles. However the take up for this has been less than expected and unless a few more people come along we will have to abandon the social event and make alternative arrangements for the AGM.
If you would like to come along to the social and haven’t had the opportunity contact me then please email or telephone me by next Tuesday the 20th.
Should we not be able to go ahead with the evening then I will let you all know where our rearranged AGM will be along with a copy of the agenda and last years’ minutes. A club like ours needs all the support it can get from its members and I urge you to come along and enjoy the evening and perhaps put forward any suggestions you may have regarding the running of the club.
And please don’t forget our last Demonstration for this year will be on the 27th November with CAROL HILL and a Watercolour Landscape. Carol is a very experienced artist and tutor and there are some very fine examples of her work on her web site:
David Chaplin
CDPC Chairman