Woodhouse Eaves Exhibition
Well the sun shone for us on the 6-7th June the weekend of the Open Gardens in Woodhouse Eaves. Unfortunately the new building at the back of the Village Hall was not quite completed so we were unable to use it this year. It is a lovely room with lots of light so it might prove a nice alternative to the usual annex next year.
As all the boards and pictures turned up two hours before we were able to assemble the exhibition, there was a lot of standing around until 6.15pm when we were allowed into the annex. Then it was all hands on deck to erect the boards and get the paintings on. We finally finished just after 8pm, so for me it was home and a bag of chips on the way. Thank you to all those who helped to set up, we couldn’t have managed without you.
Saturday started off slowly but we had a steady stream of people throughout the day and the very welcome tea and cake was very popular. On Sunday morning the ramblers asked if they could come after their walk and could we accommodate them – of course we could! I thought we were going to run out of cake when Sue turned up with 3 tins of delicious carrot cake, it went down a treat. At the end of the day we had virtually sold out. So thank you to all who provided absolutely yummy cakes and those who also helped serve the teas it got a bit hectic at times but they managed brilliantly.
The good standard of art was commented upon many times, it made for a varied and interesting show, something for everyone. We had 102 framed paintings and 41 unframed we were delighted with the fantastic turn out we even struggled a bit to get them all up but we did manage it in the end. We sold 11 paintings in all and the best painting in the club was ‘Daisy and Pals’, a watercolour won by Jan Brooks. Congratulations it was delightful!
There was a lot of interest about the club and we gave out loads of information and membership forms so hopefully some of those people will come back and join us, we are always on the lookout for new members they are always welcome whatever their ability.
The raffle of Ian Riseley’s Owl pastel for Rainbows was well received and the final draw was won by Ms Bolton from Nottingham.
Overall it was a great weekend thank you to everyone who helped set up, steward, bake cakes, and take down we are very grateful for all the help which made this exhibition such a success. We made about £300 for club funds, which is the highest we have ever made, this included a very generous donation from the sale of a painting by Bruce Clark, so thank you for that too.
Looking forward to the next Exhibition which we hope will be in Loughborough in October.
Joy Lockton